The surest way to understand a culture is to examine not its technology but its art. Technology is transitory while art is a timeless measure of its makers' concerns, aspirations and values.


Monday, December 14, 2009

COLOR Magazine Submissions

Below are the six images I've submitted to COLOR Magazine for this year's single-image contest.  Not too many photographers shoot at night - much less in color - so hopefully that will get someone's attention.  Of course, I've also included the obligatory landscape and obscure mechanical object photos in order to cover as many categories as possible to maximize my chances of getting published.  Everyone on my email contact list will be notified immediately in the suitably self-congratulatory tone should I actually make the cut.  If not, decorum dictates that you never mention this again.

Click on the preview to see the full-size image - and I mean full size.  For whatever reason these photos are loading at full scale with no control over reduction.  You might have to adjust your zoom scale or download them to view them in your viewing program.  None of the other images on the blog are similarly affected.  My apologies.

End of the Line
(Derelict tank car, Lancaster, California)

The Wilshire Ebell Theater, Los Angeles

LA Noir

High Meadow, Fall
(Cedar Breaks, Utah)

The Fashion District

Disney Concert Hall

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